I have much to write about confidence. It’s a topic that comes up very often with my agents. Confidence underpins success for any real estate professional.
This came up again for me just this morning when I was at my barre class. I take the early class most mornings of the week and there are two instructors that typically teach those early classes. One of them is very experienced, confident, knows the routine, has an ease in the way she gives her instructions, chats with students, offers extra hints for ways to get the most out of her exercises. The class is enjoyable and moves along smoothly. I enjoy it because I feel confident that this instructor knows what she is doing, she’s watching to make sure my form is correct, I don’t hurt myself. I feel in safe hands. She’s looking out for me and my needs.
The other teacher is great. I like her a lot. She’s sweet, earnest, works hard to please. The missing component for her is confidence. Her classes don’t move as smoothly, she stumbles over the instructions. She appears a little awkward. I don’t feel as well-taken care of in the classes with this instructor. I’m sure she knows the exercises just as well as the other teacher, but somehow her nervousness and lack of confidence in herself makes me feel less sure of her too.
This isn’t a criticism of my barre teacher. The less confident teacher is less experienced, and, I know, with time, that she will gain the confidence to teach a great class. It just got me thinking about my agents. Imagine a real estate client interacting with two different agents – one who appears confident and knowledgeable, the other who is unsure of themself. Which would the client feel most comfortable with? – The more confident one, for sure, an agent who “appears” to know their business, how to help their client, how to take care of their client’s needs.
Obviously, you can’t just become confident overnight! It takes time. My point here is that building your confidence, particularly as a new agent, is very, very important. I spend a lot of time with my agents helping them develop their “story”, to articulately talk about their skills, their experience – real estate and otherwise – in order to feel confident. If you feel confident, then so will your clients.